The cloud has become the foundation for countless technologies, and 5Gnetworks are no exception. Deploying private 5G networks on the cloud is astrategic move that harnesses the well-known benefits of cloud computing: lowerupfront costs, effortless scaling, increased flexibility, enhanced reliability,and robust security.
5G network adoption is soaring. Statista predicts a staggering rise insubscriptions from 2.8 billion in 2024 to 5.9 billion by 2027.
Everyday Use Cases for Cloud-Hosted Private5G Networks
Cloud-hosted private 5G networks are ideal for organizations demandingsecure, reliable, and adaptable cellular networks. Common use cases spandiverse industries. For instance, manufacturing plants leverage private 5G toconnect robots, sensors, and other equipment on the factory floor seamlessly.In healthcare, private 5G networks facilitate real-time patient monitoring,enable telemedicine, and connect critical medical devices.
Challenges in Managing Cloud-Hosted Private5G Networks
While cloud-hosted private 5G networks offer advantages over traditionalon-premises setups, including greater flexibility, scalability, andcost-efficiency, organizations must address specific challenges.
Reliability and Performance
The performance and reliability of the underlying cloud infrastructuredirectly impact cloud-hosted private 5G networks. The cloud network mustdeliver high availability and minimal latency. A significant challenge is thelack of indepth visibility into network performance inherent in cloud-hostedsolutions.
Data Sovereignty and Security
Safeguarding data sovereignty and security is paramount when dataresides or gets processed in the cloud. Organizations must ensure compliancewith data storage regulations in their jurisdiction and verify that their cloudprovider employs robust security measures to protect against cyberattacks atevery stage.
Expectations on Private 5G networks are that they will be highly agile,adapting swiftly to evolving needs. However, cloud-hosted deployments can beless nimble than on-premises solutions due to the complexities of coordinatingwith cloud providers.
To navigate these challenges, organizations should take proactive steps:
● Conduct a thorough evaluation of theirrequirements and select a cloud provider that aligns with their needs.
● Foster close collaboration with the cloudprovider to design and implement a secure and reliable network.
● Develop a comprehensive monitoring andmanagement strategy for the 5G network. Prioritize real-time, continuousmonitoring to maintain optimal performance. Implementing tools that detectnetwork anomalies and generate alerts is crucial for proactive security.
Cloud-hosted private 5G networks hold immense promise for organizationsseeking secure, reliable, and scalable network solutions. By effectivelyaddressing challenges through careful planning and robust monitoring,businesses can harness the full potential of this technology.